January 29, 2020
HUNS IN LE BUNS: Lauren Shelley

Introducing LÉ BUNS hun Lauren Shelley, freelance curve model, Instagram queen & brand owner . We chat to her about her upbringing, sustainability, confidence, and everything in between.
Where did you grow up? How has this shaped you?
I grew up in Brisbane, Australia. This is such an interesting question. I have no doubt that Brisbane shaped me in many ways, as did the media in the 90's and the values my parents passed on to me. I lived in a very small box for many years, figuratively speaking. I thought that my role as a women was to give up what I believed in to make space for a man and then get married and have children. I never fit into that box very well. With a little help, I found my way out and I moved to Melbourne in 2015. I learnt that I really could be whoever I wanted to be and I have spent the past 5 years passionately chasing that dream. Creativity is not hugely valued in our society, but the scene in Melbourne is so vibrant and accepting. I hope to use my creativity to help other people find their way out of the box too.
What do you get up to on a day to day basis?
Life is fairly slow at the moment. I freelance so I spend most of my days proactively looking for jobs. My partner and I have launched a slow fashion brand, so I spend time working on that. My daily goal at the moment is to spend some time each day relaxing, taking in some vitamin D and planning adventures for the future.
What’s your best self care tip?
Do what is right for you. I could talk about taking long baths and going for walks in nature, but at the end of the day, the most important thing you can do for self care is make choices that align with your values and follow a life that fulfils you.
Which LÉ BUNS silhouette do you feel most confident in?
I adore my new Hadley Halter top and high waisted briefs, but my all time fave is the Bowie top! I love how it can be worn as an intimate, or with a cute pair of jeans on a warm spring day.
Favourite Instagram accounts?
I love looking at instagram accounts of babes who make incredible art. @ntombimoyo is a recent follow of mine and the styling of their shoots are out of this world. Its high fashion, original and so damn refreshing. Aside from that I mostly follow friends.
What does sustainability mean to you?
Sustainability is a way of life. I believe sustainability is growing your own herbs and veggies, composting, recycling and reusing. But sustainability has a holistic approach to. It's about sleeping, drinking water, being slow and taking the time to foster a life that you love.
Leave us with your all time favourite quote & why it is important to you?
"there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right." Albus Dumbledore. I believe this quote and the Harry Potter series has shaped an entire generation of people. In 2019 we have seen a rise in conservatism, in Australia we have a government who continues to deny the global climate crisis and in this late stage of capitalism it is hard to get ahead and yet when I talk to my peers they are voting based on the good of the planet and people. They are taking time to recognise their privilege and they are making space for those living in marginalised communities. They are building businesses that aren't focused on profit, but focused on making a change. Every day we are choosing what is right, and not what is easy and I think that this gives us the power to change the world.