Meet the Models: Larissa and Mollie

Introduce yourself. Tell us a bit about where you grew up?
I grew up in Brazil, my childhood was really humble, but I had everything I child could ask for. Always playing in nature, climbing cashew trees, playing on the street with my friends, waking up early in the morning and running naked on the beach haha, swimming to the boats to jump from there to the water, I can’t complain! ♥️ even not having much I had everything!
What's your star sign?
Leo 🥰🥰 and my ascending is Sagittarius
How did you get your start in modelling?
I never thought about modelling until a lady stopped me at the shopping centre and give me a model’s agency card, so I only started one year ago because I thought it wasn’t for me!
What else do you fill your time with when you're not in front of the camera?
I work a lot to pay for my studies. Besides that, I love to go to the Beach, at the moment I’m going for a run every morning! I also love going out to dance “ it's just part of who I am”! But mostly I just like to be in contact with nature.
Who inspires you?
My only inspiration for life is my mom, she is the strongest woman I’ve ever known, and I’m sure that if you heard her life story you would think the same!
What does body positivity mean to you?
I love my body so much, I’m healthy and I exercise but not for weight loss, just for health, I love the weight I am now, each curve of my body every part of me, we are all women with different shapes, heights and personalities ♥️
What's the best thing modelling has brought to you?
Friends! so many amazing friends, and I get to meet so many incredible people, a world that I never imagined that existed, and I love it ♥️ and I’ll tell you that it also brought me a lot of self love and I learned to love others.
What's a skill you would love to learn?
Capoeira! haha I always start it but never continue! Maybe one day I will stick with it.
Best self care tip?
Sunscreen. Even if you are just going out the front of your house and back inside. Sunscreen always! 🥰
What is your favourite LÉ BUNS set and why?
How could I even choose, I wanted to steal all of them when we were shooting!!! but that would not have been professional hahaha!
Instagram - @larisanttana1
Introduce yourself.
Hey! My name is Mollie, you can call me Mol. I’m 21 years old and I am blessed to live on the Gold Coast!
What’s your star sign?
Being a Christian, star signs aren’t really my thing! But I’m a Capricorn.
Tell us a bit about where you grew up etc?
So I was born over seas in the UK, we moved to Australia when I was 5 years old. I grew up in an old Queenslander house out the back of Bonogin, a bush land suburb. I grew up chasing streams and building huts in the trees with my siblings and neighbours, since I can remember I’ve always been an outdoors person!
How did you get your start in modelling?
I was always kind of doing shoots here and there, from about 13 years old, little tfp, working with make up brands and some fashion. I was scouted at 15, by a Gold Coast agency, this was when I started taking it seriously as a profession. I love my job.
What else do you fill your time with when you're not in front of the camera?
I have a retail job as well as modelling! I figured any spare time I have may as well be productive. I work here 25 hours a week. When I’m not working in retail or modelling I am often at the beach or with my loved ones. I love to be outside, never been an indoors person.
Who inspires you?
Anybody who embraces who they are and tries their best. I am always inspired by hardworking individuals who may not have the best of everything. I love to see people trying their best, at the end of the day that is all the matters. I am also inspired by people who keep it real on social media... We need more of that.
What does body positivity mean to you?
To simplify it, I think being body positive means to think and act positive towards your body. Self love isn’t about looking in the mirror and loving what you see, self love is about loving yourself enough to take care of your body, be healthy and be kind to yourself. Love yourself enough, to work on the things you don’t love when you look in the mirror. Be your bodies best friend.
What's the best thing modelling has brought to you?
I think confidence. Modelling gave me a chance to work hard on something, a sense of identity who I am and what I do. I am confident in myself that I can do anything that I set my mind to. I am also now confident in meeting new people, which has brought me many friendships. I am confident in the person I am, I know what I bring to the table, what I can work on and all my goals. It really switched me on, that’s for sure! I’m forever chasing goals and trying to better myself now.
What's a skill you would love to learn?
I would love to learn to run a business, it’s a dream of mine to be a business owner one day. I’m still working on that dream, but I know for sure that my business will be all about raising awareness for body diversity and mental health! Two things extremely close to my heart.
Best self care tip?
Lists. Write lists when you’re going through hard times, stress and grief. Writing things down and seeing them on paper is not only grounding but really helps with perspective. Each month I write a list of things I am grateful for, this helps me see the good in my life when I’m feeling overwhelmed. Then I write a list of everything that’s getting me down, sometimes seeing them on paper helps you realise they’re not as big as they seem. Then I work on this list to actively remove everything on it. I then write a list of things I love to do, that make me happy. This list goes on my wall, I try to do as many of those things as I can by the end of the month. It gets me out the house, brings me joy and happiness. I write lists religiously and you should too! My best self care tip!
Instagram - @missmolliegilbert
Watch the ladies in action in our latest Byron Bay campaign video here.